Guédelon is in the départment of Yonne, in Burgundy
The site is on the main road 955 between Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye and Saint-Amand-en-Puisaye .
By road:
40 minutes west of Auxerre via the D965
2 hours south of Paris, via A6, onto A77 (exit junction 21)
1 hour 45 minutes east of Orléans via N60
1 hour north of Nevers, exit A77 junction 22
2 hours 30 minutes from Dijon, exit A6 junction 21
GPS co-ordinates:
In decimals*: Latitude 47.58344° - Longitude 3.15557°
In sexagesimals*: Latitude: 47° 35' 01'' North - Longitude 3° 09' 20'' East
* please check your satnav settings
By rail:
Cosne sur Loire station – 58200 (Paris – Nevers line) 26 km from Guédelon
Joigny station – 89300 (Paris-Dijon line) 55 km from Guédelon. Please note, there are no connecting services to Guédelon from these stations.